YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The body of a teen age male drowning victim was recovered from Lake Yankton, below Gavins Point Dam, about 8:35 Sunday night, following several hours of searching. The call for help came in about 3:30 Sunday afternoon. Dive teams from Yankton, Mitchell and Sioux Falls were involved in the search. Also assisting in… Read more »
News Category: Local News
Congressman Johnson favors a limited infrastructure bill
WASHINGTON, D.C.(WNAX)- Congressional republicans are pushing back against trillions of dollars in proposed spending by the Biden Administration. South Dakota Congressman Dusty Johnson says he could support what he calls “a reasonable plan”. Johnson says he can support a targeted infrastructure plan. Johnson says he is willing to compromise when necessary. The US House is… Read more »
Fall enrollment at USD looks promising
VERMILLION, S.D.(WNAX)- Mid-summer means planning is underway for the start of university classes late next month. University of South Dakota President Sheila Gestring says they are getting good hints for fall enrollment. Gestring says the pandemic last year may have led some students to take a gap year. Universities are planning on a normal start… Read more »
SD Joint Committee on Appropriations receive update on federal funding
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- The Joint Committee on Appropriations of the South Dakota legislature got a report on the approximately eleven billion dollars in federal funding the state has received since early last year. Committee Co-chair, Senator Jean Hunhoff of Yankton, says they want to track where the money is going and what has been funded. The… Read more »
Denver Air Connection debuted Thursday in Pierre
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- Key Lime Air doing business as Denver Air Connection began their two-year stint as Pierre’s Essential Air Service provider Thursday. Five passengers left Pierre on the morning flight and four on the afternoon flight. Thirty people arrived in Pierre Thursday afternoon including Justin Dilges of Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Dilges says he isn’t aware… Read more »
Drought conditions impacting the Missouri River
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- Drought conditions across the northern plains are now influencing Missouri River flows. Tom Curran, Operations Manager at Gavins Point Dam near Yankton says they are dialing back their releases a bit. He says that will drop the river level from a few inches to nearly a foot. Curran says they will be adjusting… Read more »
USDA offer food safety tips for the holiday weekend
WASHINGTON, D.C.(KMIT)- With the 4th of July typically comes a lot of food, and the USDA reminds people to be safe when preparing food this weekend. USDA Food Safety Expert Archie Magoulas says to always practice cleanliness and urges backyard chefs to use a food thermometer, not the eyes, when deciding whether burgers, chicken, or… Read more »
SD Dept of Health reports no new COVID-19 related deaths
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio.com) – The state reported no new COVID-related deaths, while active cases & hospitalizations increased, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health. The death total currently at 2,038. The state had 21 new cases and 10 recoveries, increasing active infections to 167. Those hospitalized in connection with the virus is… Read more »
State & local officials offer fireworks safety tips for the Independence Day weekend
ABERDEEN & PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio & DRGNews)- This weekend is Independence Day weekend and people will be shooting fireworks all across the state. Aberdeen Fire Marshall Chad Nilson tells us to proceed with caution because of the extreme dry conditions. Nilson talks about the dangers of sparklers. Nilson emphasizes making sure the fireworks is completely dispose… Read more »
Watertown new mayor catches up with Denver Air Connection
WATERTOWN, S.D.(KXLG)- Watertown Mayor Elect Ried Holien has met for the first time with the new Denver Air Connection team. Denver Air was recently awarded the Watertown Essential Airline Contract, edging out SkyWest- United who had been serving the community for the past two years. However, Holien says that SkyWest has informed the city that,… Read more »