News Category: Local News

Dialing 605 before every phone number will be mandatory by 2022, but state wants you to start now

PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- While most smart devices already include the numbers, it will soon be mandatory to dial all ten digits when calling any local phone number. South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Chairman Chris Nelson says the move is to make way for a national suicide hotline. Nelson says those three numbers have to be able… Read more »

Dialing 605 before every phone number will be mandatory by 2022, but state wants you to start now

PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- While most smart devices already include the numbers, it will soon be mandatory to dial all ten digits when calling any local phone number. South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Chairman Chris Nelson says the move is to make way for a national suicide hotline. Nelson says those three numbers have to be able… Read more »

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Avera preparing for the COVID-19 vaccination event for Wednesday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Coming up on Wednesday in Aberdeen, Avera will be doing a COVID-19 vaccination event. Communication & Public Relations Director Victoria Lusk preview what to expect. Lusk talks about how the event came about here in Aberdeen. The Pfizer vaccine will be used for the event Wednesday.  Lusk tells us why that is the… Read more »

Avera preparing for the COVID-19 vaccination event for Wednesday

Avera Logo

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Coming up on Wednesday in Aberdeen, Avera will be doing a COVID-19 vaccination event. Communication & Public Relations Director Victoria Lusk preview what to expect. Lusk talks about how the event came about here in Aberdeen. The Pfizer vaccine will be used for the event Wednesday.  Lusk tells us why that is the… Read more »

Yankton School Board update policy regarding home schoolers wanting to participate in sanctioned activities

YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The Yankton School Board moved to modify their rules on home school students taking part in sanctioned activities at their meeting Monday night. Superintendent Wayne Kindle says that’s in response to upcoming changes in state law. There were some questions about fees charged to students in activities. Kindle says that needs clarification. Kindle… Read more »

Yankton School Board update policy regarding home schoolers wanting to participate in sanctioned activities

YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The Yankton School Board moved to modify their rules on home school students taking part in sanctioned activities at their meeting Monday night. Superintendent Wayne Kindle says that’s in response to upcoming changes in state law. There were some questions about fees charged to students in activities. Kindle says that needs clarification. Kindle… Read more »

US Army Corps of Engineers predict below normal year for runoff of the Missouri River

OMAHA, N.E.(WNAX)- The Corps of Engineers is predicting a below normal year for runoff into the Missouri River System. Kevin Grode, with the Corps in Omaha, says mountain snowpack appears to have peaked. Grode says that snowpack figures greatly into the predicted runoff. Grode says most of the runoff for the year will happen between… Read more »

US Army Corps of Engineers predict below normal year for runoff of the Missouri River

OMAHA, N.E.(WNAX)- The Corps of Engineers is predicting a below normal year for runoff into the Missouri River System. Kevin Grode, with the Corps in Omaha, says mountain snowpack appears to have peaked. Grode says that snowpack figures greatly into the predicted runoff. Grode says most of the runoff for the year will happen between… Read more »

USD prepping for the upcoming fall semester post COVID

VERMILLION, S.D.(WNAX)- The South Dakota Board of Regents has issued guidelines for universities when they reopen for the fall term in August. USD President Sheila Gestring says they are working on a “normal” start to classes. Gestring says they have been controlling on campus infections and also helping students and staff get vaccinated. Gestring says… Read more »

USD prepping for the upcoming fall semester post COVID

VERMILLION, S.D.(WNAX)- The South Dakota Board of Regents has issued guidelines for universities when they reopen for the fall term in August. USD President Sheila Gestring says they are working on a “normal” start to classes. Gestring says they have been controlling on campus infections and also helping students and staff get vaccinated. Gestring says… Read more »

SDFU President on President’s FY 2022 Budget including increased funding for Ag

WASHINGTON, D.C.(WNAX)- President Biden has come out with his proposed fiscal year 2022 budget and it includes a close to $4 billion increase for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The funding proposal is directed toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making farms more resilient to climate change. South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke says… Read more »

SDFU President on President’s FY 2022 Budget including increased funding for Ag

WASHINGTON, D.C.(WNAX)- President Biden has come out with his proposed fiscal year 2022 budget and it includes a close to $4 billion increase for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The funding proposal is directed toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making farms more resilient to climate change. South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke says… Read more »

Watertown Airport provides update on traffic at board meeting

WATERTOWN, S.D.(AlphaMedia)–The nation’s airline industry is beginning to dig out of a cavernous hole left behind by the COVID-19 pandemic. Passengers stopped traveling a little more than a year ago when the virus began spreading across the country, but with more people being vaccinated, the industry is starting a slow climb back. Watertown Airport Board… Read more »

Watertown Airport provides update on traffic at board meeting

WATERTOWN, S.D.(AlphaMedia)–The nation’s airline industry is beginning to dig out of a cavernous hole left behind by the COVID-19 pandemic. Passengers stopped traveling a little more than a year ago when the virus began spreading across the country, but with more people being vaccinated, the industry is starting a slow climb back. Watertown Airport Board… Read more »

NSU Battle of the Brass concert set for April 15

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release) – The Northern State University Music Department is proud to present the “Battle of the Brass” chamber recital this Thursday, April 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Johnson Fine Arts Center’s Jewett Theater. This recital will feature two student brass ensembles. Northern’s student brass quintet, the Hub City Brass, will share a recital… Read more »

NSU Battle of the Brass concert set for April 15

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release) – The Northern State University Music Department is proud to present the “Battle of the Brass” chamber recital this Thursday, April 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Johnson Fine Arts Center’s Jewett Theater. This recital will feature two student brass ensembles. Northern’s student brass quintet, the Hub City Brass, will share a recital… Read more »

Governor Noem asks President Biden to uphold Mount Rushmore Fireworks Agreement

PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – Today, on President Thomas Jefferson’s birthday, Governor Kristi Noem sent this letter to President Joseph R. Biden advocating for South Dakota’s Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebration. “This year, as we mark our independence from [COVID-19], Mount Rushmore would be the perfect place for a national celebration and fireworks show,” wrote Governor Noem,… Read more »

Governor Noem asks President Biden to uphold Mount Rushmore Fireworks Agreement

PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – Today, on President Thomas Jefferson’s birthday, Governor Kristi Noem sent this letter to President Joseph R. Biden advocating for South Dakota’s Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebration. “This year, as we mark our independence from [COVID-19], Mount Rushmore would be the perfect place for a national celebration and fireworks show,” wrote Governor Noem,… Read more »

SD Dept of Health reported no new COVID-19 deaths

PIERRE, S.D. ( – The state reported no new COVID-related deaths, while active cases  & hospitalizations increased, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health. The death total currently at 1,947. The state had 262 new cases and 248 recoveries, increasing active infections to 2,439. Those hospitalized in connection with the virus… Read more »

SD Dept of Health reported no new COVID-19 deaths

PIERRE, S.D. ( – The state reported no new COVID-related deaths, while active cases  & hospitalizations increased, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health. The death total currently at 1,947. The state had 262 new cases and 248 recoveries, increasing active infections to 2,439. Those hospitalized in connection with the virus… Read more »