PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- A bill that would have set up four K – 12 schools in majority native American areas failed in the South Dakota Senate Monday. Senator V.J. Smith of Brookings says the schools would be a major step in helping native communities. Bill sponsor Senator Troy Heinert of Mission says the schools would help… Read more »
News Category: Local News
SD voter-approved recreational marijuana amendment challenged in Hughes County
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- A voter-approved constitutional amendment permitting recreational marijuana is being challenged in Hughes County. The first hearing Constitutional Amendment A was held last week. The court challenge will make the job of South Dakota legislators difficult. District 24 Representative Will Mortentson of Pierre says a decision on ‘A’ will come after this year’s Legislature… Read more »
State added 1 COVID-related death, active cases decline while hospitalization increase
PIERRE, S.D. (HubCityRadio.com) – The state reported 1 new COVID-related deaths, while active cases declines while hospitalization increases, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health today. The death toll now at 1,779. The state had 116 new confirmed cases and 348 recoveries, lowering active infections 2,600. Those hospitalized in connection with… Read more »
Vitalant looking for blood donors
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Vitalant are looking for people to donate blood. Abbie Arneson with Vitalant tells us how much blood is needed each week. Arneson tells us how long the blood is good for after donation. Arneson also explain how the donated blood can deals with COVID-19. Arneson tells the ways you can schedule an appointment… Read more »
SD Senate Bill 93 looks to upgrade Rapid City, Pierre, & Eastern rail lines
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)-Some central South Dakota lawmakers are working to improve some vital railroad lines through the middle of the state. Senate Bill 93 would appropriate nearly six-million dollars for upgrading of the Rapid City, Pierre and Eastern main line between Fort Pierre in Stanley County and Midland in Haakon County. District 24 Senator Mary Duvall… Read more »
Aberdeen Ride Line now requiring mask wearing starting today
ABERDEEN, S.D. (HubCityRadio)-Starting today Aberdeen Ride Line will require anyone needing service will be require to wear a face covering. Ride Line manager Tom Wanttie told the Aberdeen City Council where the directive comes from. Councilman Josh Rife ask if Ride Line has enough available to begin with. Councilman Mark Remily offers up a possible… Read more »
SD Legislature has full five day week this week
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)-This week will be a full five-day week for South Dakota legislators and is also the deadline for bill introductions. Representative Ryan Cwach of Yankton says the pace of the session has been pretty slow. Cwach says the pandemic has changed some of his routines. Democrats have introduced a bill calling for a statewide… Read more »
HJR5001 fails to get out of SD House State Affairs Committee
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)-The South Dakota House State Affairs Committee held a hearing Monday on HJR 5001 that would call for a Constitutional Convention of the states to impose fiscal and legal restraints on the federal government. Sponsor, Representative Fred Deutsch of Florence says the country is in danger. Scott Granville of Pierre used a Constitutional scholar… Read more »
Cracker barrels schedule released for February & March
February 1, 2021 (Aberdeen, SD)(Press Release) – The public will have an opportunity to hear from State Legislators a tree more legislative cracker barrels this winter – February 6, February 13 and March 6. All sessions, which are free and open to the public, will be held from 10 am to 12 noon in the… Read more »
Midwest econcomies showing signs of growth
OMAHA, N.E.(WNAX)-For an eighth straight month, the Creighton University Mid-America Business Conditions Index, a leading economic indicator for the nine-state region stretching from Minnesota and the Dakotas to Arkansas, moved strongly into growth territory. Ernie Goss, director of Creighton University’s Economic Forecasting Group, directs the monthly survey. Goss says hiring was still in positive territory… Read more »