ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Beginning at 8:00 am on Friday, December 22, 2023, the following roads will be closed to thru traffic and water will be off in the following areas for emergency water line repair: ROADS CLOSED: S. Washington St. from 11th Ave. SE to 12th Ave. SE And 11th Ave. SE from S. Lincoln… Read more »
News Category: Pure Country News
President Biden’s border policies impact on the farm industry
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- An emergency measure on the southern border is creating big problems for farm exports. The Biden Administration closed rail traffic at Eagle Pass and El Paso, Texas. Ryan Sauer of the Iowa Corn Growers Association says that’s having an immediate impact on this region’s farmers. Farm state leaders are pressing the Administration… Read more »
City of Pierre looking to replace water meters in their city
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- The Pierre City Commission approved moving forward with a pilot program to replace residential water meters in the city. Utilities Director Brad Palmer says the current meters are reaching the end of their usefulness. Mayor Steve Harding asked Palmer about installing the meters for the pilot and Palmer says it will be a… Read more »
Game, Fish, & Park receive report on aquatic invasive species
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- The Game, Fish and Parks Commission in December received a year-end report on aquatic invasive species in South Dakota. Lake Oahe is one of six water bodies to have zebra mussels confirmed in them. Fisheries Program Administrator Jake Davis was asked about the movement of mussels in the Missouri River. Davis says more… Read more »
Pierre woman reach plea deal in child abuse case
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- A Pierre woman charged with child abuse among other charges has reached a plea deal in that case. According to court documents on file in Hughes County, 30 year-old Kelsey Howe entered a no contest plea to Domestic Abuse Simple Assault. Charges of Child Abuse, and a second Domestic Abuse Simple Assault charge… Read more »
Brown County farmer Jared Bossly talks about the benefits of methanol
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Landowners held a meeting Wednesday at the Ramkota in Aberdeen. Brown County landowner Jared Bossly told the gathering about the importance of methanol. Bossly talks about the business Cargill that is based in Minnesota. Bossly discuss the importance of methanol. Bossly talks about methanol can be used for such things as jet fuel.… Read more »
McPherson County farmer Mark Lapka talks about property rights
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- At Wednesday’s landowner meeting, McPherson County landowner Mark Lapka talks about the role of property rights in regards to the CO2 pipeline. Lapka feels that landowners in the path of these pipeline are maybe worse off than they were when the SD PUC denied the permit back in September. Lapka discuss the importance… Read more »
Spink County farmer Ed Fischbach discuss what to look for next year
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Landowners held a meeting Wednesday night at the Ramkota. Spink County landowner Ed Fischbach provided a preview of what to expect in the 2024 legislative session. Fischbach talks about what the South Dakota Ag Alliance is working on. One of them would allow state government to override what either the county or township… Read more »
Spreading Christmas Cheer!
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- HubCityRadio’s Sale Manager Kristan Morris was dropping donations from them to the folks at SafeHarbor. The folks at SafeHarbor informed her that they were seventy tags that were unfilled on their tree and told some families that they may not be able to provide gifts for Christmas. Kristan was motivated to go on… Read more »
District 24 Representative Mike Weisgram announce he will seek reelection
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- District 24 Representative Mike Weisgram has announced he will seek a third term in the South Dakota House of Representatives. He joins House Majority Leader Will Mortenson of Pierre in confirming he want’s to keep a chair in the House Chamber. Weisgram ran on improving housing, economic development and workforce four years ago… Read more »