PIERRE, S.D. (SDBA) — One of the downsides of out-of-state residents moving to South Dakota with fat wallets from selling their homes and buying another house in the state well above market value is hurting long-time homeowners. That is the contention of supporters of SJR505. However, Wednesday, the Senate Taxation Committee killed the ballot measure… Read more »
News Category: The Rock News
Senate Health and Human Service Committee defeat SB216(Transgender Care)
PIERRE, S.D.(Argus Leader)- The Senate Health and Human Services committee voted Wednesday to kill a bill that would’ve changed a law passed last year that restricted minors in South Dakota from receiving puberty blockers or hormone therapy, two forms of gender-affirming care. Sen. Reynold Nesiba’s (D-Sioux Falls) bill, Senate Bill 216, would have allowed puberty… Read more »
City of Sturgis looking to add Uber & Lyft
STURGIS, S.D.(KBHB) – The City of Sturgis this week continued discussion on an ordinance that would help Transportation Network Companies such as Lyft and Uber come to town. The city is contemplating repealing some regulations that discourage Uber and Lyft from doing business here. The current ordinance requires T.N.C.’s to go through extensive background checks… Read more »
Sturgis City Council looking into adding flat race to the motorcycle rally
STURGIS, S.D.(KBHB) – The Sturgis City Council met for their first meeting in February Tuesday night and on the agenda was a host services agreement for a controversial flat track race proposed for this year’s rally. The proposed contract is between American Flat Track Events and the City of Sturgis. Dubbed the Spirit of Sturgis,… Read more »
Congressman Johnson comment on international trade
WASHINGTON, D.C.(KELO)- U.S. farmers aren’t getting a fair shake on the international market. That according to Congressman Dusty Johnson. Appearing on RFD-TV, Johnson said problems created by shipping companies during the Covid pandemic exposed the problem. Johnson says federal officials need to use the tools his bill provides to level the playing field.
Outdoor rinks closed for the season
ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- The Aberdeen Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department is announcing that the city outdoor ice rinks will be closed for the season as of Wednesday, February 7. This means the warming houses are not open and the ice rink surfaces will not be maintained. Recreational skating continues at the Odde Indoor Ice Arena… Read more »
Senator Thune commend members from the 28th Bomb Wing
WASHINGTON, D.C.(KELO)- They can generate combat power that can strike anywhere in the world at any time. Senator John Thune is commending members of the 28th Bomb Wing’s air crews and maintainers from Ellsworth Air Force Base. They participated in last week’s strike on 85 targets in the Middle East, responding to attacks on U.S.… Read more »
Reaction to bills dealing with pipelines this week
WATERTOWN, S.D.(KELO)- They suffered some defeats in the legislature this week, but they aren’t giving up. Carbon capture pipeline opponents say the glut of pipeline bills considered this week demonstrates there’s a problem. Former legislator Craig Schaunaman says the bills that were passed are a move in the right direction, but don’t protect landowners from… Read more »
South Dakota Senate passes SB177(Allow circuit judges to serve on the PUC)
PIERRE, S.D. (SDBA) — The second time was the charm. On Tuesday, the Senate reconsidered and passed a bill allowing the governor to choose circuit court judges or state supreme court justices to serve on the Public Utilities Commission. It would be only in the event of a vacancy. SB177 passed 20 to 13. On… Read more »
Senate Commerce & Energy Committee defeat pro-labor bills
PIERRE, S.D. (SDBA) — A trio of pro-labor bills died on party-line votes in a Senate committee Tuesday. On 8 to 1 votes, the Senate Commerce and Energy Committee sent Senate Bills 145, 163, and 179 to the 41st legislative day, killing them. Democratic Sen. Reynold Nesiba from Sioux Falls sponsored all three bills. SB145… Read more »