News Year: 2023

Aberdeen City Council approves a new logo with more changes to come

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- At Monday night’s Aberdeen City Council, the council discuss the potential for a new logo for the city. Aberdeen Mayor Travis Schaunaman talks about the logos he helped design. Mayor Schaunaman did this for no charge to avoid the issue of a conflict of interest. Council Woman Erin Fouberg liked the logo idea… Read more »

Aberdeen City Council approves a new logo with more changes to come

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- At Monday night’s Aberdeen City Council, the council discuss the potential for a new logo for the city. Aberdeen Mayor Travis Schaunaman talks about the logos he helped design. Mayor Schaunaman did this for no charge to avoid the issue of a conflict of interest. Council Woman Erin Fouberg liked the logo idea… Read more »

Aberdeen City Council receive an update on the marketing campaign

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Aberdeen City Council got an update on a meeting held last week from agencies  looking for ways to better market the city. Aberdeen’s Economic Development Manager Megan Kukowski talks about the meeting with the various entites was very productive. CEO of the Aberdeen Chamber Gail Ochs offered the location’s take on the… Read more »

Aberdeen City Council receive an update on the marketing campaign

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Aberdeen City Council got an update on a meeting held last week from agencies  looking for ways to better market the city. Aberdeen’s Economic Development Manager Megan Kukowski talks about the meeting with the various entites was very productive. CEO of the Aberdeen Chamber Gail Ochs offered the location’s take on the… Read more »

Recap of Landowners’ Meeting in Leola Monday

LEOLA, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Monday, landowners from across the northeast held a meeting outside the Leola Courthouse addressing the CO2 pipeline from Summit Carbon Solutions.  Several legislators from across South Dakota also attended the gathering. Landowner Mark Lapka of McPherson County talks about why the meeting took place. Landowner Ed Fischbach from Spink County wants to… Read more »

Recap of Landowners’ Meeting in Leola Monday

LEOLA, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Monday, landowners from across the northeast held a meeting outside the Leola Courthouse addressing the CO2 pipeline from Summit Carbon Solutions.  Several legislators from across South Dakota also attended the gathering. Landowner Mark Lapka of McPherson County talks about why the meeting took place. Landowner Ed Fischbach from Spink County wants to… Read more »

Representative Roger Chase of Huron comments on housing & summer study on County Funding

HURON, S.D.(KOKK)- District 22 representative Roger Chase is busy preparing for another Summer study committee for the Sd Legislature.  As a past Beadle County commissioner he was selected to chair the committee based on knowledge of internal issues in county government.  Chase previously chaired the workforce housing Summer study committee those recommendations finally made it… Read more »

Representative Roger Chase of Huron comments on housing & summer study on County Funding

HURON, S.D.(KOKK)- District 22 representative Roger Chase is busy preparing for another Summer study committee for the Sd Legislature.  As a past Beadle County commissioner he was selected to chair the committee based on knowledge of internal issues in county government.  Chase previously chaired the workforce housing Summer study committee those recommendations finally made it… Read more »

One person dead following crash north of Sisseton

SISSETON, S.D.(Press Release)- One person died on Sunday evening in a one-vehicle crash north of Sisseton, S.D. The name of the person involved has not been released pending notification of family members. Preliminary crash information indicates that a 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe was traveling south on S.D. Highway 127 near mile marker 215 when the vehicle… Read more »

One person dead following crash north of Sisseton

SISSETON, S.D.(Press Release)- One person died on Sunday evening in a one-vehicle crash north of Sisseton, S.D. The name of the person involved has not been released pending notification of family members. Preliminary crash information indicates that a 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe was traveling south on S.D. Highway 127 near mile marker 215 when the vehicle… Read more »

Spring Load Limits lifted in Aberdeen

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Effective immediately the spring load limits will be lifted for the City of Aberdeen. The effect of this is that residential roads will have the same regulations for load limits as our truck routes and state highways.

Spring Load Limits lifted in Aberdeen

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Effective immediately the spring load limits will be lifted for the City of Aberdeen. The effect of this is that residential roads will have the same regulations for load limits as our truck routes and state highways.

South Rock Street from 6th to Goodrich Ave SE closed for water main replacement

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Weather permitting beginning at 7:00am on Monday, May 15th, the following road will be closed to thru traffic for water main replacement: S. Rock St. from 6th Ave. SE to Goodrich Ave. SE The road will be closed from 7 am to 5 pm each day from Mon. May 15th to Fri.… Read more »

South Rock Street from 6th to Goodrich Ave SE closed for water main replacement

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Weather permitting beginning at 7:00am on Monday, May 15th, the following road will be closed to thru traffic for water main replacement: S. Rock St. from 6th Ave. SE to Goodrich Ave. SE The road will be closed from 7 am to 5 pm each day from Mon. May 15th to Fri.… Read more »

Pierre School Superintendent concern about attendance

PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- Attendance is a concern. That’s the word from Pierre School District Superintendent Dr. Kelly Glodt. He told the school board last week that this year’s overall attendance was lower than it was before COVID. Glodt made these asks of parents. Glodt says it takes both teachers and parents to help students be successful… Read more »

Pierre School Superintendent concern about attendance

PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- Attendance is a concern. That’s the word from Pierre School District Superintendent Dr. Kelly Glodt. He told the school board last week that this year’s overall attendance was lower than it was before COVID. Glodt made these asks of parents. Glodt says it takes both teachers and parents to help students be successful… Read more »

National Weather Service Logo

Long term weather forecast calls for normal temps & precip for the summer

OMAHA, N.E.(WNAX)- The weather trend in the Missouri River basin for the rest of spring into summer looks to be near normal. Doug Kluck, Central Region Climate Services Director for the National Weather Service, says the rest of May won’t see any drastic change. Kluck says the outlook for May, June and July shows that… Read more »

Long term weather forecast calls for normal temps & precip for the summer

National Weather Service Logo

OMAHA, N.E.(WNAX)- The weather trend in the Missouri River basin for the rest of spring into summer looks to be near normal. Doug Kluck, Central Region Climate Services Director for the National Weather Service, says the rest of May won’t see any drastic change. Kluck says the outlook for May, June and July shows that… Read more »

Army Corps of Engineers update the runoff of the Missouri River system

OMAHA, N.E.(WNAX)- Rapid snowmelt in April has boosted the runoff into the Missouri River system. Nicole Parker with the Corps of Engineers in Omaha says they have increased their forecast. Parker says they expect about normal runoff into mid summer. Parker says the mountain snowpack is melting off. All of the upstream reservoirs have adequate… Read more »

Army Corps of Engineers update the runoff of the Missouri River system

OMAHA, N.E.(WNAX)- Rapid snowmelt in April has boosted the runoff into the Missouri River system. Nicole Parker with the Corps of Engineers in Omaha says they have increased their forecast. Parker says they expect about normal runoff into mid summer. Parker says the mountain snowpack is melting off. All of the upstream reservoirs have adequate… Read more »