PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – On Wednesday, Governor Kristi Noem announced that Steve Westra, Commissioner of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED), will be stepping down from that position, effective May 22. “South Dakotans are building the strongest economy in America with the lowest unemployment rate of all time. Steve helped provide the level playing… Read more »
News Year: 2023
SD Dept of Health reports 2 new COVID-19 related deaths
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio.com) – The state reported 2 new COVID-related deaths, while active cases decreased & hospitalizations increased, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health. The death total currently at 3,223. The state had 265 new cases and 304 recoveries, decreasing active infections to 202. Those hospitalized in connection with the virus… Read more »
Aberdeen Parks & Rec to host historic walks in May
ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Come celebrate Historic Preservation Month by participating in a walking tour of the Hagerty and Lloyd Historical District sponsored by the Aberdeen Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department on Tuesday, May 9, at 6:30 p.m. Troy McQuillen will lead this leisurely one and a half hour walk through one of Aberdeen’s oldest residential… Read more »
NSU choirs to present ‘Stories in Song’ concert April 30
ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release) – The Northern State University Concert Choir and Chamber Choir will present their spring concert, entitled “Stories in Song,” at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 30. The concert will take place in the NSU Johnson Fine Arts Center’s Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater. The Concert Choir, under the direction of Dr. Darci Bultema,… Read more »
U.S. House passes the debt limit resolution Wednesday
WASHINGTON, D.C.(WNAX)- Republicans in the US House voted in favor of a potential budget and debt agreement. South Dakota Congressman Dusty Johnson says they want to set some modest spending limits. Johnson says he is a strong supporter of the proposal. Johnson says if they can’t get ahead of the federal debt, it will soon… Read more »
Senator Rounds address retirement funds
WASHINGTON, D.C.(WNAX)- The recent report by the Trustees of the Social Security System that without changes, funds for the retirement program would start to run short in 2034 is now getting mixed into the ongoing budget debate in Washington. South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds says he is part of a group looking for solutions. Rounds… Read more »
EPA finalizing rules dealing with PFAs in drinking water
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The Environmental Protection Agency is working through details of issuing final rules dealing with PFAS(p-fas) chemicals in drinking water. Those are the so called “forever” chemicals that can come from firefighting foam and other industrial products. The new standards could be difficult for many water systems to meet. Troy Larson, Executive Director of… Read more »
Senator Nesiba disappointed child care not part of a summer study
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- At least one member of the legislature’s executive committee was hoping for a study on daycare needs. Senate Minority Leader Reynold Nesiba says having affordable daycare is an important part of workforce development. Nesiba is hopeful that even though it isn’t a part of the formal legislative interim studies daycare needs will… Read more »
Shoppers surprised service fees added to bill using credit or debit card at some businesses
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- Some shoppers are surprised by service fees being added to their bills when they use a credit or debit card. South Dakota Retailers Association Executive Director Nathan Sanderson says businesses have some options with fees. Sanderson says rules are somewhat different between credit and debit cards. Sanderson says consumers should talk to businesses… Read more »
SDSU to graduate their 100,000th student on May 6th Commencement
BROOKINGS, S.D.(KJJQ)- When South Dakota State University holds graduation ceremonies on May 6, university officials will mark a milestone. SDSU President Barry Dunn. Dunn says a large percentage of those 100,000 graduates are still alive. Ceremonies will be held off campus this year because of construction work at Frost Arena. Commencement will be held at… Read more »