PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem last week vetoed the UCC revision bill, saying “Limiting the freedom to use cryptocurrency would put South Dakota citizens at a business disadvantage.” South Dakota Bankers Association President Karl Adam says the Governor is wrong. Adam says the UCC sets rules for businesses and banks across the country.… Read more »
News Year: 2023
Senator John Thune discuss his bill dealing with Tik Tok
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- South Dakota Senator John Thune spoke to AP history classes at Yankton High School on Friday. He got several questions about social media and government control. He says there are concerns about China using Tik Tok to spy on Americans. Thune says the Chinese are working to gather as much US technology as… Read more »
Spring & summer runoff of the Missouri expected to be below normal
OMAHA, N.E.(WNAX)- Ongoing dry conditions across the Missouri River basin are reflected in predictions for spring and summer runoff. Ryan Larsen is with the Corps of Engineers in Omaha. Larsen says their forecast is based on current and expected conditions. Larsen says mountain snowpack is running about normal. During their monthly update, the Corps said… Read more »
State Transportation Commission heard from citizens wanting HWY46 to stay four lane through Wagner
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- A citizens group from Wagner continues to lobby the state Transportation Commission to reconsider plans to rebuild Highway 46 through Wagner from its current four lanes to three lanes. Gerrit Juffer spoke to the commission during the public comment time at their meeting Thursday. Juffer said they would like the commission to hold… Read more »
Reported crime up in Sioux Falls
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(WNAX)- Reported crimes in Sioux Falls are rising, but so is the population. City officials held a news conference this week to report on crime trends. Mayor Paul Ten Haken says they have seen their population rise rapidly in the last ten years. The city saw 38.82 property crimes per 1,000 people and… Read more »
La Nina now officially over
A long-lasting climate driver has finally faded away. Doug Kluck is the Central Region Climate Services Director for the National Weather Service in Kansas City. Kluck says if an El Nino develops, it will have an impact on the overall weather pattern over North America. The La Nina had persisted for three years, which climate… Read more »
SB156 in limbo after failure in the South Dakota House
PIERRE, S.D. (SDBA) – Fifty million dollars more for water projects came within two votes of passing in the House Thursday. SB 156 would have provided federal infrastructure funds to be used between now and 2025. The vote was 45 to 25 and failed because it needed a two-thirds majority to pass as an appropriation.… Read more »
Senator Al Novstrup & Rep Carl Perry recap this year’s session & preview Veto Day
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- District 3 Senator Al Novstrup & Representative Carl Perry took a look back at this year’s legislative session & look ahead to Veto Day on Monday March 27th. Both legislators had a hard time getting bill they were sponsored to clear their respective chambers. Senator Novstrup talks about tackling some tough issues. The… Read more »
Dakotans for Health to do petition drive for repeal of the grocery tax
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- Following the failure of the South Dakota legislature to cut the food tax, “Dakotans for Health” will now move ahead with a petition drive to repeal the tax. Spokesman Rick Weiland says they will now send their petitions to the Secretary of States office for final approval. Weiland says they want the options… Read more »
Senator Jean Hunhoff explains what will be in the state budget
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- The South Dakota legislature signed off on a seven point four-billion-dollar state budget and then adjourned the main run of the 2023 session. Joint Committee on Appropriations Chair, Senator Jean Hunhoff of Yankton told Senators that it’s a good bill. Hunhoff says they singled out Medicaid providers for an extra increase. Hunhoff says… Read more »