PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- A bill that would prohibit certain medical and surgical interventions on minor patients, dealing with gender issues, was passed by the South Dakota Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Bill Sponsor, Senator Al Novstrup (nor-strup) of Aberdeen told the committee its about protecting children. Justin Bell, a lobbyist for the state Medical Association,… Read more »
News Category: Local News
Senator Rounds react to the President’s State of the Union Address
WASHINGTON, D.C.(HubCityRadio)- President Joe Biden delivered the yearly State of the Union Address on Tuesday night. Senator Rounds offer his thought on some of the topics the President discussed. Senator Rounds gave his overall impression on the speech itself. President Biden attempted to offer solutions to address the issue with the southern border. Senator Rounds… Read more »
South Dakota House Committee approve bill for providing paid family leave for state employees
PIERRE, S.D. (SDBA) — A House committee this Wednesday recommends passage of a Noem Administration-backed proposal that would change how the state pays state employees for family leave. It would also set up a means for other governments and private businesses to participate in the paid family leave program. Rachel Oglesby, an advisor to Gov.… Read more »
Sturgis City Council looking into creating a new ordinance for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
STURGIS, S.D.(KBHB) – The city of Sturgis began discussions this week on the possible creation of a new City of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Ordinance. City Manager Daniel Ainslie says the purpose of this proposed title is twofold. Ainslie says first, it would consolidate all of the various portions of the City Ordinances into a singular… Read more »
Rural electric cooperatives seeing increase needs for more power
WALL, S.D.(WNAX)- Rural electric cooperatives across the state are seeing rapidly rising demands for power. Dick Johnson, manager of West River Electric Association based in Wall, says they are expecting rapid growth in and around Ellsworth Airforce Base. Johnson says they have seen record power demand in the past year. Johnson says they are seeing… Read more »
Expansion of Lewis & Clark Behavioral Health underway
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The expansion project of Lewis & Clark Behavioral Health, based in Yankton is still underway. Executive Director Tom Stanage says they are working through lots of details. Stanage says they want to consolidate all their services at one location. Stanage says there is a growing need for mental health services. The plan is… Read more »
Aberdeen Fire Rescue respond to fire at Burger King
ABERDEEN, S.D. – On February 7, 2023 at approximately 1900 hours, Aberdeen Fire Rescue responded to Burger King for a reported fire inside the restaurant. Fire crews made entry and quickly extinguished the fire using a dry chemical fire extinguisher. The fire was isolated to the area of the fryer. A moderate amount of smoke… Read more »
SD Dept of Health reports 1 new COVID-19 related death
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio.com) – The state reported 1 new COVID-related death, while active cases & hospitalizations increased, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health. The death total currently at 3,153. The state had 996 new cases and 898 recoveries, increasing active infections to 630. Those hospitalized in connection with the virus is… Read more »
Congressman Johnson address budget and debt issues
WASHINGTON, D.C.(HubCityRadio)- Congressman Dusty Johnson talked about upcoming debt crisis and attempting to negotiate the next federal budget. Congressman Johnson talks about President Biden and his administration working with House Republicans on the deficit. Last week President Biden talked with the Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy. Congressman Johnson talked about the meeting. Johnson talks… Read more »
SB100 defeated at Senate Education Committee
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- A bill to set up the “Stronger Families Scholarship Program” was heard in front of the South Dakota Senate’s Education Committee Tuesday. The bills prime sponsor is Senator Al Novstrup of Aberdeen. Laura Ringling from the Governors office spoke in support of the bill. Senator Steve Kolbeck of Sioux Falls said there were… Read more »