News Category: Local News

SD Joint Committee on Appropriation learn how much federal funding is coming

The State of South Dakota has picked up a lot of federal funding in the last year. Legislative Research Council fiscal analyst Joey Knofczynski gave the Joint Committee on Appropriations the totals so far. That includes individual stimulus payments and PPP loans and grants. Knofczynski says the state is getting more money this year. Knofczynski… Read more »

SD Joint Committee on Appropriation learn how much federal funding is coming

The State of South Dakota has picked up a lot of federal funding in the last year. Legislative Research Council fiscal analyst Joey Knofczynski gave the Joint Committee on Appropriations the totals so far. That includes individual stimulus payments and PPP loans and grants. Knofczynski says the state is getting more money this year. Knofczynski… Read more »

Vermillion voters to decide on new school building

VERMILLION, S.D.(WNAX)- Voters in the Vermillion School District will make a decision on a major building plan this fall. Superintendent Damon Alvey says the school board approved a special election. Alvey says the plan would move the elementary schools to a new building in Barstow Park near the middle school. Alvey says they modified the… Read more »

Vermillion voters to decide on new school building

VERMILLION, S.D.(WNAX)- Voters in the Vermillion School District will make a decision on a major building plan this fall. Superintendent Damon Alvey says the school board approved a special election. Alvey says the plan would move the elementary schools to a new building in Barstow Park near the middle school. Alvey says they modified the… Read more »

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton campaining for Senators Thune & Grassley

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(WNAX)- Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton made stops in Sioux Falls Tuesday and in Iowa on behalf of fellow republican Senators. Thune, whose term expires next year hasn’t officially announced he is running for reelection. Cotton says he is working on him. Cotton says its important to have Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley return to… Read more »

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton campaining for Senators Thune & Grassley

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(WNAX)- Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton made stops in Sioux Falls Tuesday and in Iowa on behalf of fellow republican Senators. Thune, whose term expires next year hasn’t officially announced he is running for reelection. Cotton says he is working on him. Cotton says its important to have Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley return to… Read more »

City of Yankton disagrees with FEMA update on flood maps

YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The Federal Emergency Management Agency is updating flood maps across the region, and those could have a big impact on cities, counties, and homeowners. Dave Mingo, Community and Economic Development Director for the City of Yankton, says they disagree with the proposed changes in the preliminary maps they have seen. Mingo says the… Read more »

City of Yankton disagrees with FEMA update on flood maps

YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The Federal Emergency Management Agency is updating flood maps across the region, and those could have a big impact on cities, counties, and homeowners. Dave Mingo, Community and Economic Development Director for the City of Yankton, says they disagree with the proposed changes in the preliminary maps they have seen. Mingo says the… Read more »

U.S. Attorney’s Office, judge recuse themselves in federal contempt case

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Aberdeen American News)- The U.S. Attorney’s Office in South Dakota and the U.S. Department of Justice have both recused themselves from prosecuting a criminal contempt of court case initiated by the federal judge based in Aberdeen. And now that a Rapid City attorney has been appointed as prosecutor, Judge Charles B. Kornmann, who filed the… Read more »

U.S. Attorney’s Office, judge recuse themselves in federal contempt case

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Aberdeen American News)- The U.S. Attorney’s Office in South Dakota and the U.S. Department of Justice have both recused themselves from prosecuting a criminal contempt of court case initiated by the federal judge based in Aberdeen. And now that a Rapid City attorney has been appointed as prosecutor, Judge Charles B. Kornmann, who filed the… Read more »

Storybook Land & campgrounds reopens at 4PM, rest of Wylie Park on lockdown

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Today, on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at approximately 12:30 pm, a suspicious subject was located at Wylie Park.  The suspicious subject was stating intention to cause harm to others.  The subject has been taken into custody by the Aberdeen Police Department.  Based on the subject’s comments and recent incidences at Wylie Park, Wylie Park has… Read more »

Storybook Land & campgrounds reopens at 4PM, rest of Wylie Park on lockdown

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Today, on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at approximately 12:30 pm, a suspicious subject was located at Wylie Park.  The suspicious subject was stating intention to cause harm to others.  The subject has been taken into custody by the Aberdeen Police Department.  Based on the subject’s comments and recent incidences at Wylie Park, Wylie Park has… Read more »

Governor signs executive order to allow emergency haying due to drought

PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has signed an executive order declaring a statewide state of emergency due to drought conditions. The order allows for ditch mowing in eastern South Dakota to begin effective immediately. South Dakota Stockgrowers Association President Scott Edoff says drought is spreading. He says they’re likely will be only one… Read more »

Governor signs executive order to allow emergency haying due to drought

PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has signed an executive order declaring a statewide state of emergency due to drought conditions. The order allows for ditch mowing in eastern South Dakota to begin effective immediately. South Dakota Stockgrowers Association President Scott Edoff says drought is spreading. He says they’re likely will be only one… Read more »

City-Wide Mosquito Spraying schedule for Thursday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- The City of Aberdeen has scheduled a city-wide ground spray for mosquitoes on Thursday, July 1st between the hours of 9:00 pm and 1:00 am. The adulticiding equipment is noisy and travels at 10 mph.  The mosquito control trucks are identified and travel with a flashing yellow light. To ensure spray effectiveness… Read more »

City-Wide Mosquito Spraying schedule for Thursday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- The City of Aberdeen has scheduled a city-wide ground spray for mosquitoes on Thursday, July 1st between the hours of 9:00 pm and 1:00 am. The adulticiding equipment is noisy and travels at 10 mph.  The mosquito control trucks are identified and travel with a flashing yellow light. To ensure spray effectiveness… Read more »

SD Dept of Health reports 2 new COVID-19 related deaths & reports 1st Delta Variant in Edmunds County

PIERRE, S.D.( – The state reported 2 new COVID-related deaths, while active cases increased & hospitalizations decreased, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health. The death total currently at 2,035. The state had 16 new cases including the 1st Delta Variant of COVID-19 in Edmunds County and 11 recoveries, increasing active… Read more »

SD Dept of Health reports 2 new COVID-19 related deaths & reports 1st Delta Variant in Edmunds County

PIERRE, S.D.( – The state reported 2 new COVID-related deaths, while active cases increased & hospitalizations decreased, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health. The death total currently at 2,035. The state had 16 new cases including the 1st Delta Variant of COVID-19 in Edmunds County and 11 recoveries, increasing active… Read more »

DPS releases sobriety checkpoint list for July

PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – South Dakota’s Department of Public Safety says 21 sobriety checkpoints will held throughout South Dakota during July. The monthly checkpoints, held at various times and locations, are designed to discourage people from drinking and then driving. The checkpoints are funded by the South Dakota Office of Highway Safety and conducted by… Read more »

DPS releases sobriety checkpoint list for July

PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – South Dakota’s Department of Public Safety says 21 sobriety checkpoints will held throughout South Dakota during July. The monthly checkpoints, held at various times and locations, are designed to discourage people from drinking and then driving. The checkpoints are funded by the South Dakota Office of Highway Safety and conducted by… Read more »