ABERDEEN, S.D. (By Elisa Sand esand@aberdeennews.com) – Central High School was in a stay-in-place or a soft lockdown for about a half-hour on Monday afternoon. Aberdeen Public Schools Superintendent Becky Guffin said a person who was not a student at Central visited campus to confront a student at the school about a situation that happened… Read more »
News Category: Local News
Member of coronavirus task force reminds of steps to limit spread
WASHINGTON, D.C. (WNAX) – As COVID-19 cases spike across the country, health officials are reminding people what steps they need to take to limit the spread. Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, and a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, says they know people are getting tired of the… Read more »
Farm Bureau President says broadband critical for agriculture
PIERRE, S.D. (WNAX) – The Federal Communications Commission is establishing a $9 Billion fund for 5 G technology to improve mobile wireless in rural America. Included in that is a set aside of $1 billion for Precision Agriculture. South Dakota Farm Bureau President Scott VanderWal says that’s critical for agriculture. He says that technology will… Read more »
Past year was quiet for severe weather
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (WNAX) – As we start to focus on the coming winter, the National Weather Service in Sioux Falls has totaled up the severe weather numbers from this past spring and summer. Peter Rogers, warning coordination meteorologist, says this was a quiet year. Rogers says most of the severe weather was concentrated along… Read more »
Progress being made in pancreatic cancer battle, but going slowly
PIERRE, S.D. (DRG News) – South Dakota’s State Capitol turned purple Sunday to honor those who have died from, as well as those who have survived, pancreatic cancer. Keynote speaker Dr. Jonathan Bleeker of the Sanford Cancer Center says progress is being made in pancreatic cancer treatment, but it’s slow. Bleeker encourages people to have… Read more »
High school student victim of fatal shooting in Sioux Falls
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Police say the victim of a fatal weekend shooting in Sioux Falls was an 18-year-old high school student. Officials at Lincoln High School have notified parents and guardians that Venance Kitungano died in a shooting on Saturday and that police are interviewing witnesses. Sioux Falls Police Department Lt. Terrance Matia… Read more »
Hospitalizations down by 19, one new COVID-related death
PIERRE, S.D. (HubCityRadio.com) – The state saw a decrease in hospitalizations and one new COVID-related death according to totals released by the South Dakota Department of Health today. The state had an additional 529 new cases and 338 new recoveries, pushing the amount of active infections to 13,325 (there were 11,061 one week ago). The… Read more »
Investigation shows Ravnsborg was distracted during fatal accident
PIERRE, S.D. (WNAX) – State officials held a news conference today to say the investigation into a fatal crash on Sept. 12 near Highmore involving Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg is continuing. Department of Public Safety Secretary Craig Price says they are releasing more information. Price says Ravnsborg was distracted at the time of the accident. The… Read more »
Shooting of man in Madison justified
PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — The South Dakota Attorney General’s Office says a Lake County sheriff’s deputy was justified in shooting and wounding an armed Madison man. Authorities say 34-year-old Benjamin Hernandez refused to put down his loaded shotgun after being ordered to do so. The incident happened Sept. 30 when police and deputies responded to… Read more »
Woman kills herself on casino dance floor in Deadwood
DEADWOOD, S.D. (AP) — Authorities say a 28-year-old woman found on the dance floor of a Deadwood casino died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The Rapid City Journal reports that officers responded to a call of a shooting at The Buffalo Bodega Gaming Complex just after midnight Saturday. Medics attempted to revive the woman, but… Read more »