PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- South Dakota schools may have more required homework for students if a bill continues to move through the South Dakota legislature. House Bill 1198 would require schools to display the state motto or state seal in public schools. Prime sponsor, Representative Phil Jenson of Rapid City says there is history with the proposal.… Read more »
News Category: Local News
Below average precipitation to continue through the winter
OMAHA, N.E.(WNAX)- Outlooks indicate continued dry conditions across the upper Missouri River basin. During the monthly Corps of Engineers call about river conditions, Doug Kluck, climate services director for the Central Region of the National Weather Service, says the outlook for February is more of the same. Kluck says the ninety day outlook indicates a… Read more »
Congressman Dusty Johnson weigh in the latest in Ukraine
WASHINGTON, D.C.(WNAX)- The US is pushing hard on diplomacy to head off a possible attack by Russia on Ukraine. South Dakota Congressman Dusty Johnson says it’s a dangerous situation. Johnson says the US has to stand on principle. Johnson says a European land war would be very bad. The Biden Administration continues to warn that… Read more »
Transgender students from South Dakota School of Mines & Technology talks about bills in Pierre will affect their lives
RAPID CITY, S.D.(KOTA)- A spate of bills the South Dakota legislative session have undeniably turned focus back onto transgender issues and by extension the human impact it would have. A group of 4 gender nonconforming students from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology agreed to be interviewed to share their experiences. As a… Read more »
Resolution calling for convention to amend US Constitution defeated by Senate State Affairs Committee
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- The Senate State Affairs Committee heard over an hour of testimony pro and con on a resolution calling for a convention of the states to amend the US Constitution. Sponsor, Senator Blake Curd of Sioux Falls said it’s a way for legislators to listen to voters and send a message to Congress. Senator… Read more »
SD Dept of Health reports 10 new COVID-19 related deaths(1 in Brown County)
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio.com) – The state reported 10 new COVID-related deaths, while active cases decreased & hospitalizations increased, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health. The death total currently at 2,687. The state had 569 new cases and 2,510 recoveries, decreasing active infections to 25,002. Those hospitalized in connection with the virus… Read more »
Democratic legislators continue to address education funding during their sessions
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- As usual, there are disagreements over education funding and policy among South Dakota legislators. Democratic Senator Reynold Nesiba of Sioux Falls says a bill that would have limited collective bargaining by teachers sent the wrong signal. Nesiba says chronic education issues continue year to year. Nesiba says state education ranks high on the… Read more »
Members of the House State Affairs Committee react to statements Governor Noem made about her abortion bill
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- Governor Kristi Noem was sharply critical of members of the House State Affairs Committee for failing to introduce her bill that would prohibit abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected. State Affairs Committee Chairman, Representative Kent Peterson of Salem, says that bill didn’t fit their process. Representative Chris Johnson of Rapid City says… Read more »
Recap of Governor Noem’s Press Conference held Thursday
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Thursday, Governor Kristi Noem held a press briefing updating some of the issues being discussed by the South Dakota Legislature. Governor Noem provide an update on bills dealing with Critical Race Theory. Another issue the governor talked about was updates on the budget that Noem & the legislators are working on. Noem… Read more »
Ryan Brunner reflects on his time as Commissioner of the Office of School & Public Lands
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- Ryan Brunner, who had been Commissioner of the Office of School & Public Lands since 2014, resigned at the end of January to join Governor Kristi Noem’s office as a senior advisor. Brunner says they were able to increase the dollars to state schools during his time there. Brunner says while he enjoyed… Read more »