ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Beginning at approximately 8:00 AM on Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 the following road will be closed for utility work: South 2nd Street from 6th Ave SW to 5th Ave SW Motorists are advised to take alternate routes while the work is… Read more »
News Category: Local News
Members of Congress looking for origin of COVID-19
WASHINTON, D.C.(WNAX)- There are still questions and suspicions about the origin and spread of the coronavirus last year in China. South Dakota Senator John Thune says China has not cooperated in finding the source of the pandemic. Thune says it may be difficult to hold China accountable. Thune says China’s military has become more aggressive… Read more »
Expansion of natural gas service reform bill seeing bipartisian support
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The pandemic may have slowed down economic development for more than a year, but there is still interest in expanding natural gas service. Yankton Area Progressive Growth C.E.O. Nancy Wenande says there is a large business looking at Napa Junction, but that would require natural gas service. Wenande says a gas line expansion… Read more »
SD Appropriation Committee receive an update on COVID-19 funds
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- The Joint Committee on Appropriations of the South Dakota legislature met last week and got an update on how the state has spent federal Covid-19 funds, and options for the next round of funding. Co- Chair, Representative Chris Karr of Sioux Falls, says they went through a similar process last year. Karr says… Read more »
SD Board of Regents heard request budget requests from their universities
MADISON, S.D.(WNAX)- The South Dakota Board of Regents heard budget requests from the six state universities at their meeting in Madison last week. University of South Dakota President Sheila Gestring says their priority is remodeling a building at the Community College of Sioux Falls. Gestring says expanding the GEAR center has been on their list… Read more »
Rapid City Mayor talks about his visit with President Biden
RAPID CITY, S.D.(KOTA)- When the President of the United States calls you to the White House, it’s a hard opportunity to turn down. Receiving the call was Rapid City Mayor Steve Allender, who joined a collection of American municipal officials to discuss issues like gun violence and crime with President Joe Biden this week. Allender… Read more »
Cash-Wa Distributing to host July Business After Hours
Aberdeen, SD(Press Release) – The Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce’s July Business After Hours mixer will be held on Thursday, July 8 from 5:15 to 7:00 pm at Cash-Wa Distributing, 810 3rd Ave SE. In addition to Cash-Wa being host and sponsor, they will also be providing the food. Cold beverages will be available and their… Read more »
SD Dept of Health reports 1 new COVID-19 related death
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio.com) – The state reported 1 new COVID-related death, while active cases increased & hospitalizations decreased, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health. The death total currently at 2,030. The state had 14 new cases and 7 recoveries, increasing active infections to 170. Those hospitalized in connection with the virus… Read more »
Wylie Park now fully opened after being closed for some time due to a suspicious package
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)-On Friday morning Wylie Park was shut down due to a suspicious package. City Manager Joseph Gaa talked about how the package was discovered. Gaa talked about the agencies involved in the search. Wylie Park reopened at 1PM. Storybook Land stay closed until 4pm. Once open the park was offering free rides at… Read more »
Medical marijuana will be off limits on Board of Regents run universities
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- The South Dakota Board of Regents will ban the possession and use of medical marijuana at the six state universities. Regents Counsel Nathan Lukkes says marijuana is still illegal under federal laws. Lukkes says they could see their federal funding threatened. Regent Tony Venhuizen says they should follow and not lead on this… Read more »