PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)-With over two hundred million dollars available this year in one-time money for South Dakota legislators, the spending process is changing. Senate Appropriations Chair Jean Hunhoff of Yankton says the spending bills will make two rounds of the committees. Hunhoff says there could be changes in spending priorities along the way. Hunhoff says there… Read more »
News Category: Local News
U.S. Senate move to debate Democrats COVID-19 relief plan
WASHINGTON, D.C.(WNAX)- The Senate voted to move toward debate on a budget plan that will set the stage for consideration of the next coronavirus relief plan. The bill passed on a fifty to forty-nine vote. South Dakota Senator John Thune says its only the first step in a long process. Democrats and the President are… Read more »
State added 3 COVID-related deaths, active cases decline while hospitalization increase
PIERRE, S.D. (HubCityRadio.com) – The state reported 3 new COVID-related deaths, while active cases continutes to declines while hospitalization increases, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health today. The death toll now at 1,782. The state had 209 new confirmed cases and 253 recoveries, lowering active infections 2,552. Those hospitalized in… Read more »
Day County Sheriff’s office provide update on missing woman
WEBSTER, S.D.(Mike Tanner, AlphaMedia & Audio from Dakota Radio Group)–The Day County Sheriff’s Office issued a news release today detailing the extensive five week search for a missing woman whose body was ultimately found late last week. Forty six year-old Amy Dougherty disappeared December 23rd in blizzard conditions as she was driving to work in… Read more »
Aberdeen Central high school will be hosting the Valentine Bistro
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Later this month Aberdeen Central high school will be hosting the Valentine Bistro. Aberdeen Central Vocal Director Susan Appl provides the details of this event. Appl tells us the dates of this event. Cost is $10 and must be reserved in advance. You can call Aberdeen Central High School at 725-8100 and ask… Read more »
Jose Morales Acevedo pleads not guilty to murder & manslaughter
MITCHELL, S.D.(KMIT)- One of two men accused of shooting and killing a man in downtown Mitchell last month pleaded not guilty to several charges on Tuesday morning. 27-year old Jose Morales Acevedo is charged with 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, and manslaughter. On the night of January 9th, Acevedo and another man allegedly went… Read more »
SD Senate passes SB 71 to make Juneteeth Day a working holiday
PIERRE, S.D.(Argus Leader)- A bill that would recognize Juneteenth as a working holiday in South Dakota has passed the Senate. Senate Bill 71, which passed 26-8 on Monday afternoon, will now go to the House. It will mark June 19, when in 1865, slaves in Texas were informed that the Civil War had ended and… Read more »
SD House Ag & Natural Resources committee push HB1047 vote back to Thursday
PIERRE, S.D.(LifeWRX)- A bill that would allow non-resident landowners to harvest deer in South Dakota was held over in committee this morning in Pierre. The House Ag and Natural Resources committee took more than 90 minutes of testimony and discussion Tuesday morning in Pierre but will not call a vote on HB1047 until Thursday. HB1047… Read more »
Congressman Johnson one of 83 Republicans to introduce the Keystone XL Pipeline Construction and Jobs Preservation Act
WASHINGTON, D.C.—House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) joined House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Congressman Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.) and 83 House Republicans(Congressman Dusty Johnson is among them) to introduce the Keystone XL Pipeline Construction and Jobs Preservation Act. This legislation authorizes the construction and operation of the Keystone XL Pipeline and declares that a Presidential… Read more »
Thune, Colleagues Reintroduce Bill to Address the Telecommunications Workforce Shortage
WASHINGTON(Press Release) — U.S. Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.), Jon Tester (D-Mont.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Gary Peters (D-Mich.), and Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, today reintroduced the Telecommunications Skilled Workforce Act, legislation to address the shortage of trained workers necessary to fill next-generation jobs in the telecommunications industry in communities throughout… Read more »