Hub City Radio News

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May 18, 2020

Johnson votes against HEROES act

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WNAX) – The US House passed the $3 trillion  “HEROES” act last Friday that includes another round of $1,200-dollar payments, a raise for essential... Read More

May 18, 2020

Video lottery revenues taking bit hit

PIERRE, S.D. (KWAT) — South Dakota’s video lottery revenues are taking a big hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mark Quasney is a state economist with the South Dakota... Read More

May 15, 2020

Monday is deadline to register to vote

PIERRE, S.D. (WNAX) – Some deadlines are starting to show up on the election calendar. South Dakota Secretary of State Steve Barnett says there are only a few days left to... Read More